Monday, March 26, 2012

First haircut

We had to laugh. Brooklyn was more traumatized that we took her out of the waiting area with the toys than she did about getting her first hair cut. She sat like a big girl -- with the help of her first sucker -- and toys from her stylist. Looking back, we probably waited way to long; her cut looks great!
After (look at her cute little braid!):

St. Patrick's Day 2012

Brooklyn enjoyed a St. Patrick's Day with Mandy's side of the family. Along with Uncle Garrett, we met Great Grandma June and Great Aunt Phyllis for lunch. Brooklyn ate more than I could have ever imagined and did great while we visited at the the restaurant.
We went to the park and Mandy managed to break her phone and then later that evening, Mandy managed to lock Brooklyn, Josie and herself out on the deck. Garrett was our knight in shining armor and came to let us in. It was eventful day!

Friday, March 16, 2012

May in March = fun at the park

Our warm Minnesota weather has been great for outside play. Thanks to our day care provider, Brooklyn just loves playing outside!

18 months

We were blessed with a great report at Brooklyn's 18-month doctor appointment. She is a healthy, happy girl. Brooklyn has been going through phases when she'll eat and then she won't; loves to sing the ABC's; testing boundaries; dances when she hears music; and is working on saying new words (shoes, banana and love you are the most popular).

  • Height: 33"; 86%
  • Weight: 26 lbs 6 oz; 78%
  • Height-to-weight: 16.9%
  • Head: 20"; 99%

Dancing queen

Our little fish

Mom and Dad both took part in Brooklyn's most recent swim class, Sea Lion. She did very well overall. Mom and Dad enjoyed watching her learn to walk in the water. Brooklyn enjoyed gathering the floating animals and disliked being on her back. She passed the class. Next up, Sea Horse!

We buy her toys, why?!

Brooklyn has an usual obsession with taking mom's bras and underwear and put them over her head. Thankfully she usually goes for the clean clothes but we have had to stop her from hamper-diving!